I have been in Canada for two years now, and when I learned that Noli de Castro was the current Vice President of the Philippines I was flabbergasted. I asked my friend, "What has he done for our country so far?" She said "Nothing. I have given up on the Political system here." Maybe the Noynoy Aquino-Mar Roxas tandem isn't such a bad idea after all.
Being a Pol Sci Undergrad from the University of San Carlos Cebu, I want to be updated on what is going on with the Philippine government. We recently subscribed to TFC and it was then that I learned the recent events.
From the RP's President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her family being involved in scandals and questionable monetary affairs, to ex-President Joseph Ejercito "Erap Estrada" seemingly wanting a second chance at the Presidency. This, coming from an ousted leader with fraudulent deeds and an Impeachment trial that rocked the entire country and the world.
It saddens me to ask this question but, "WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?"
We need more informed voters. The fact that the masses are voting for these movie stars and celebrities clearly shows that. And all these TRAPO's** are scrambling to maintain power by instilling their offsprings into office as well. Our country has had a bloody Political past -- I surely hope those previous People Power Revolutions don't go to waste and all those heroes didn't die in vain.
**Traditional Politicians
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